Network Servers

Network servers also known as network appliances are powerful computers that are dedicated to managing and facilitating network resources and services. They serve as central repositories for data and resources, enabling seamless communication and collaboration among users and devices within a network. Network servers also play a critical role in implementing security measures and access controls to protect sensitive data and resources. They enforce user authentication, encryption, and authorisation policies, ensuring that only authorised users have access to specific resources and information.

As the demand for interconnectedness and data-driven decision-making continues to grow, the role of network servers in supporting and enabling these capabilities will only become more vital. For expert guidance on implementing and optimising network performance to meet your organisation's needs, contact Step Global today.


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Intel 12th Gen Core Alder Lake processor 1U Network Security Server

Product Code: INA3606

Brand: IBASE

The INA3606 is a 1U network security server powered by the 12th Gen Intel Core processors. The server is an indispensable component of modern network infrastructure, serving a wide range of applications to protect against threats, optimise performance, and maintain compliance with security and privacy regulations. The INA3606 appliance offers versatility, making it a vital element in ensuring...

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