HX-CUX618A Sealed Helix Antenna with WiFi and BT

HX-CUX618A Sealed Helix Antenna with WiFi and BT

Product Code: HX-CUX618A

Brand: Harxon

Sealed Helix Antenna with WiFi and BT

The Harxon HX-CUX618A is a high-performance helix antenna designed for high-precision positioning. It offers superior satellite signal tracking, including GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO,
and Beidou, along with L-Band correction services. Upgraded with WiFi and BT antenna for better integration, this product is ideal for surveying, UAV, personnel and vehicle monitoring, and many more applications. It’s regarded as an all-in-one solution for integrated helix antenna needs.

All-In-One Helix Antenna with Integrated WiFi and BlueTooth

HX-CUX618A is designed with the integration of WiFi and BT antenna. On the one hand, its 1dBi gain (typical value) enables easy connection and configuration for mobile device users; on the other hand, its highly integrated design simplifies development and reduces costs for device engineers.

Advanced Patented D-QHA Technology

HX-CUX618A features a multi-point feeding technology that ensures a high phase center stability for outstanding positioning accuracy. Meanwhile, adopting advanced patented D-QHA
technology and covering a wider frequency band, HX-CUX618A achieves extraordinary 2.8dBi gain for reliable and consistent performance. Its high gain with ultralow signal loss, wide beam width for exceptional low-elevation satellite tracking with symmetric radiation patterns deliver consistent performance even under challenging environments with serious blockage.

Small Form Factor and Easy Integration

The HX-CUX618A antenna is lightweight and compact, measuring only O43.6*H40.8mm, making it ideal to be integrated into UAVs, surveying and monitoring devices. It
reduces the overall weight of applications and increases service time. 

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