Thunderbolt E Double Osc

Thunderbolt E Double Osc

Product Code: 60333-50

Brand: Protempis

Dimensions: 4

Protempis Thunderbolt® E GPS Disciplined Clock is Trimble’s latest offering for GPS synchronization devices targeting the wireless infrastructure. This fifth-generation GPS clock combines a 12-channel GPS receiver, control circuitry, and a high quality double-ovenized oscillator on a single board, providing increased integrity and reliability at a lower size and cost.

The Thunderbolt E's level of integration makes it a perfect solution for precise timing applications in the wireless industry. Among its uses are synchronizing the E911 positioning infrastructure, and providing precise time and frequency for WiMax and LTE-TDD applications, along with digital broadcast applications. The architecture is comparable to systems currently used to maintain the tough CDMA, WiMax, and LTETDD holdover specification. 

The Thunderbolt E is available in its enclosure, or as an OEM board. The Thunderbolt E GPS clock outputs a 10 MHz reference signal and a 1 PPS signal with an overdetermined solution synchronized to GPS or UTC time. The PPS output accommodates applications requiring sub-microsecond timing. The Protempis T-RAIM (TimeReceiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor) algorithm is used to monitor satellites to ensure signal integrity.

Matching the Thunderbolt E GPS Clock with the Protempis Bullet™ antenna creates a system that provides reliable performance in hostile R/F environments. The system can be easily calibrated for different cable lengths. The high level of integration and volume production techniques make the Thunderbolt E GPS Disciplined Clock an extremely cost-competitive timing solution for volume synchronization applications

1PPS Accuracy 15ns